Unraveling the Art of Writing a Learning Story, An Example with Music and Movement

As an early childhood teacher in New Zealand, you have probably had your fair share of experiences that are as challenging as they are rewarding. One of these challenges, and perhaps one of the most important ones, is writing learning stories. It's a process that requires a delicate balance - much like trying to bake the perfect pavlova. It has to have the right amount of sweetness, a soft, fluffy interior, and a crisp exterior. Too much or too little of any ingredient, and you're left with something that falls short of the desired result.

Just like a pavlova, a good learning story requires just the right amount of detail, an engaging narrative, and clear evidence of the child's learning. It's not always an easy feat, but with a little bit of guidance, it's a skill that can be mastered.

To help you on this journey, let's consider an example of a learning story. The focus of this story is on a music and movement activity. Music and movement activities are incredibly beneficial for young children, and they provide a wealth of learning opportunities - from physical development and coordination to creativity and emotional expression.

Title: A Symphony of Movement and Sound

Child: Little Mia

Date: 3rd February

Setting: Our Rainbow Room

Today, as the morning light streamed into our Rainbow Room, we embarked on a new adventure - a journey of music and movement. Little Mia, always enthusiastic, was at the forefront.

Mia was attracted to the colourful assortment of musical instruments arranged on the table. Her eyes lit up as she picked up the tambourine. With a bright smile, Mia began tapping the tambourine, creating a delightful rhythm that filled the room.

Soon, other children joined in, picking up different instruments - maracas, drums, triangles. The room resonated with a symphony of various sounds and rhythms. But it was Mia who led the band.

Mia, her face concentrating, tapped her tambourine, and started moving to the rhythm she was creating. Her movements were spontaneous, a natural response to the music. She swayed, twirled, and jumped - her joy and excitement were infectious.

As the music reached a crescendo, so did Mia's movements. It was a beautiful display of how music can stir the soul and inspire movement. The other children followed her lead, making the room a spectacle of sound and motion.

As the session ended, Mia's face was flushed with happiness. She had not only enjoyed the activity but had also led her peers in an exploration of music and movement. Today, Mia was not just a participant; she was a conductor, a dancer, and a leader.

Learning: Mia's enthusiastic engagement in the music and movement activity demonstrated her ability to express herself creatively. She showed a keen sense of rhythm and coordination, both in playing the tambourine and in moving to the music. Mia also exhibited leadership skills as she inspired her peers to join in the activity.

Next Steps: To foster Mia's interest in music and movement, we will continue to provide opportunities for her to explore different musical instruments. We will also introduce a variety of music genres and dance styles.

In this example, the learning story begins by setting the scene and introducing the child and the activity. It then describes the child's actions and reactions in detail, capturing the emotion and excitement of the experience. The story concludes with an analysis of learning and suggestions for next steps.

The narrative is engaging and cohesive, with a clear focus on the child's experiences and learning. It paints a vivid picture of the child's actions, reactions, and emotions. The analysis of learning is based on specific observations and links to broader developmental goals. The next steps are realistic and relevant to the child's interests and needs.

Writing learning stories is an art. And just like baking the perfect pavlova, it might take a few tries to get it just right. But with practice and perseverance, you'll soon be crafting learning stories that capture the magic of early childhood learning in all its joy and wonder.